The City of Modesto provides water service to the community of Del Rio. The Del Rio water system required a new storage tank and associated pump station, well, replacement well, backup generators, and pipelines to address deficiencies in design pressure and storage volume requirements for water supply and fire-flow demand and to provide for anticipated future growth in the Del Rio area. A previous environmental document had evaluated construction of these facilities at a different location but that document was overturned on legal challenge.
Horizon prepared a focused EIR for the revised project at a new location. The project involved activities at two separate sites. At Site A, the City proposed to demolish a vacant, existing residence and construct an aboveground water storage tank, production water well and pump, monitoring well, backup generator, and booster pump station. At Site B, the City proposed to construct a production well and pump, backup generator, disinfection facilities, and monitoring well. Facilities at both sites would be connected to the City’s water system through installation of transmission mains. Key issues addressed in the EIR included aesthetics of the new tank, biological resources, groundwater effects, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions, and noise.