Forsythe Creek, a tributary to the Russian River, provides important spawning and rearing habitat for Central California Coast steelhead and Chinook salmon. Portions of the creek corridor have experienced severe channel incision, floodplain degradation, and streambank erosion as the result of historical land use practices. The Mendocino County Resource Conservation District (RCD) contracted Horizon to assess the feasibility of restoring floodplain functions, primarily to benefit salmonid habitat. The RCD is also interested in stabilizing streambanks along Forsythe Creek to improve aquatic and riparian habitat and protect adjacent properties.

Horizon led a team of fisheries biologists, geomorphologists, and engineers to develop project alternatives and prepare preliminary plans for the floodplain restoration and streambank stabilization. Specifically, the Horizon team provided the RCD with the following services to support the project:

  • Developed project goals and objectives.
  • Prepared topographic maps.
  • Identified opportunities and constraints for floodplain restoration.
  • Performed hydrologic and hydraulic analyses.
  • Developed conceptual alternatives, evaluated alternatives, and recommended a preferred project.
  • Prepared preliminary restoration plans.
  • Screened the project for readily identifiable issues related to subsequent CEQA compliance and regulatory permitting.
  • Prepared an IS/MND for CEQA compliance.

Forsythe Creek Floodplain Restoration and Streambank Stabilization

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