Valley Water developed the Lower Penitencia Creek Improvements Project to improve flood protection in the City of Milpitas. This Project is part of a wider watershed planning process to improve flood conveyance throughout the Berryessa and Penitencia Creek system. Project improvements include new floodwalls, levee modification, bridge headwalls, creating channel-bench wetlands, sediment removal, and revegetation.
Horizon worked closely with Valley Water’s planning team and engineers to refine the project’s extent and the description of project components. Through this process, the project team selected a design concept that was less environmentally damaging. Horizon successfully developed the EIR, which was certified in November 2017. Key environmental issues evaluated in the EIR include biological resources impacts, benefits of creating new wetland bench features, aesthetics of the floodwalls, and temporary construction noise disturbance to nearby residents and businesses.
Horizon also supported Valley Water in developing regulatory permit applications, a biological assessment, and other supporting documentation. Horizon worked closely with subconsultant H.T. Harvey & Associates on the project. Horizon continues to assist Valley Water in obtaining permits and approvals from regulatory agencies (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, California Department of Fish and Wildllife, and National Marine Fisheries Service).