The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the California Department of General Services (DGS) are leading planning and development the of Salmon Conservation and Research Facility (SCARF), which is capable of producing spring-run Chinook salmon for reintroduction to the San Joaquin River. The SCARF, along with a suite of other management actions, are part of the San Joaquin River Restoration Program. Other management actions include broodstock collection sites, quarantine sites, Chinook salmon production and reintroduction sites, and fisheries management and research areas. The SCARF facility site is adjacent to the San Joaquin River about 1 mile downstream of the Friant Dam in Fresno County.

Horizon completed a combined project- and program-level EIR for the project, prepared permit applications, conducted hydraulic modeling to comply with FEMA and Central Valley Flood Protection Board approvals, and developed CEQA addenda. Horizon provides ongoing support for follow-up activities related to permitting, construction monitoring, and CEQA compliance.

San Joaquin River Restoration Program: Salmon Conservation and Research Facility EIR and Permitting

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