Horizon has extensive experience in preparing the full range of CEQA compliance documents, including Categorical Exemptions, Addenda, Initial Studies, Negative Declarations and Mitigated Negative Declarations, Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Program EIRs, Subsequent EIRs, as well as tiered documents and combined CEQA/NEPA documents.
We support all phases of the CEQA process, including initial project planning; public notice preparation, distribution, and filing; conducting public outreach including public meetings and hearings; and developing findings of fact, resolutions, staff reports, Notices of Determination, and other decision documents. We collect, catalogue, and respond to public comments, and coordinate with responsible and trustee agencies. We carefully assemble the Administrative Record to document the decision-making process and support the lead agency in the event of a legal challenge. We regularly provide CEQA analysis and compliance to support court-ordered actions, local planning processes, and on-the-ground facilities.
We pride ourselves on the accuracy and precision of our technical documents. Yet, each of our documents are written for clarity and for the general public to understand the text.
We coordinate closely with our clients to map out CEQA pathways that are efficient, manage risk, and allow for successful project implementation.
For contentious or controversial projects we work with our clients’ legal counsel and have strong working relationships with law firms specializing in CEQA. We develop briefs to respond to potential legal challenges. Our broad-based experience in the legal aspects of CEQA compliance ensures that our documents are developed to address the procedural and substantive requirements of CEQA from project initiation.
We maintain a comprehensive and current understanding of emerging topics, court decisions, and updates to CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, including issues such as tribal cultural resources, greenhouse gas emissions, traffic/transportation analysis, and others.