- Reconnaissance-level Assessments
- Protocol Surveys
- California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM)
- Vegetation Community and Habitat Mapping
Habitat assessments are the first step in understanding a project’s potential to affect biological resources. Horizon performs habitat assessments for a broad array of ecosystems, ranging from coastal salt marshes to montane meadows. We regularly perform reconnaissance-level habitat assessments for CEQA/NEPA compliance as well as focused studies and protocol surveys to support Endangered Species Act (ESA)/California ESA compliance. Our team of biologists and ecologists are skilled in identifying the diverse flora and fauna of California and the broader western U.S., and also experienced in using standardized assessment methods such as the California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) to evaluate baseline conditions of streams and wetlands. This experience allows us to quickly understand and describe habitat functions and values at a site and develop site-specific avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures. Our biologists and GIS specialists develop vegetation community and habitat maps based on habitat assessments and other readily available data.